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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hey y'alls.

FYI, I'm a huge fans of cover/mashup making dude/chick(not that i'm gay or somethin'). They like taking the essence of the ori songs then making it more lovely or otherwise.....

Well, in the art of makin' the cover/mashup of a song, there is an intricate detail that make a cover worthy. That thing is called TALENT....and some knowledge 'bout musix. So guys, make sure if you want a cover/mashup that work, you have this three main items:-

1. Knowledge on music note
2. Knowledge on singing
3. Very, very high sex appeal......(this is optional)

Well, the real deal here today is actually introduce you guys to the two famous cover/parody/mashup makers on the history of youtube.Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, Sam Tsui and Jodie Rivera a.k.a Venetian Princess whit their song "Hold It Against Me" and "Parody of Telephone: Accident Prone" respectively....



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