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Monday, February 21, 2011


Hey y'alls

Sometimes, in our entertainment, we needed something that can lead us to be a better person. For example a song that make us close to our religion such as "Insha Allah" by Maher Zain or a song that inspire us such as "Note To God" by Charice Pempengco.

That is what I'm going to introduce you to....

In Malaysia, exist a group that fighting for Islamic rhythm/nasheed called IN HEART. They stand up for their theme in various genre such R&B, POP, SOUL and etc. Their songs is amazing. 4 example the song entitled "Yang Ku Cari" or in english "What I'm Looking For". It's about a person who lost their way and find his way back to God. Here is the song:

4 me, it was wonderful.

4 those who is interested to know more about this group, like them in facebook. This is the link:


or you can go to this link:


this is a page where people with the same passion like IN HEART form a community.

Well, thats all 4 tonight. Bye

p/s I know lately my post sounded very serious. Well just wait, I'll comeback with more catchy word and phrases.......


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